Live the Freshness of Lake Kaco in the Heart of Jambi Forest

Live the Freshness of Lake Kaco in the Heart of Jambi Forest
(Instagram Mitsnain)

Deep in the heart of the jungle of Kerinci Seblat National Park, Lake Kaco with its clear blue water surface stretching presents the stunning natural landscape of Jambi.

To visit this lake, we have to depart for about four hours from the Mud Village to the heart of the forest of Kerinci Seblat National Park.

Even though you have to comb your trip for a while, the beauty of Lake Kaco will pay off your fatigue.

Sharing a stretch of calm green vegetation, the lake with a diameter of about 30x30 meters presents clear water charm that makes it easy for anyone to be tempted to soak for a moment for the sensation of Lake Kaco's freshness.

Live the Freshness of Lake Kaco in the Heart of Jambi Forest
(Instagram Sumatranesia)

The cool and beautiful atmosphere of the lake is a complete package for those of you who long for a vacation to a natural tourist destination that is quiet and quiet in the city.

At night, the moonlight on the surface of the lake adds to the beauty of this hidden paradise in Jambi.